Pike’s Peak looked up, vast and white, and as clear and distant as the nearby hills

To Bertha from CC Ballou –


September 11, 1920

My dear Specksie,

Tours of the 7th received. Before now you know that the property has arrived. I think I wrote you, but I don’t know where to look for the “good-neck”’; so I will pack and mail you the bronze one that is on the glass porch table. It is just as good as the other one, I think and at any rate is the only one I can _____ my hands on right now. I am not opening any boxes, as I don’t know what is in there and any way I don’t want a lot of small articles laying around loose while I am in town. I have most of the furniture unpacked. The two big beds are set up, both OK. The lamp also. The tables are all right, also the bookcase and cabinet. In fact, everything as far as I have gone, I have unpacked only the Salvador and _____, both OK, though _____ glass was broken. I unpacked and put in place the rosewood bookcase this morning before I came to town. The shelves had been removed, of course, but the bottom pieces were not taken out. They are loose, just like the shelves, and had tumbled about but did not buck this glass doors. I put the shelves in the cabinet last evening after cleaning them. It is a marvel that thing with three glass sides and a mirror back wasn’t busted, but the packing seems to have been well done. _____ has been very careful in unpacking things. I have a cook in sight but will leave that for Mamma to arrange.

Yesterday was the finest day I ever saw in Denver. Pike’s Peak looked up, vast and white, and as clear and distant as the nearby hills. It is a pity you didn’t have some previous _____ regarding the library. Are the books carded? I will try to find out something about such matters and perhaps I can help you. I expect Mamma one week from this morning. She leaves on Wednesday or said she expected to, but of course can’t make the connection you made in Chicago. So, she will get the evening train out and spend two nights and one day instead of two days and one night on route from Chicago. Everyone wishes to be remembered. The _____ _____ and half the _____ _____ left day before yesterday.

Your loving dad.

An order was sent to Portland for his arrest
Your banker at Elks can buy you a Liberty bond

Published by

CC Ballou

Bertha's father was a major general who fought in the Spanish-American War as well as in the Philippines. He later commanded the 92d Division - a black unit - during World War I.