To Bertha from John C. H. Lee – August 19, 1912
[Note: Bertha is 22 years old.]
Miss Julia Bertha Ballou
Summer Place
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
My dear Miss Ballou,
As I am off for maneuvers at four thirty tomorrow morning, I must decline the pleasant invitation of your mother and yourself for Monday evening.
John C.H. Lee
[Note: John Clifford Hodges Lee (August 1, 1887 – August 30, 1958) was a US Army general. He graduated 12th out of 103 graduates from the United States Military Academy in 1909. He served in World War I, World War II and rose to the rank of lieutenant general. “Heavy on ceremony, somewhat forbidding in manner and appearance, and occasionally tactless,” as the Army’s official history described him, “General Lee often aroused suspicions and created opposition.”]